Multiple killer suspect using Facebook from jail

 AN AMERICAN charged in Panama with the murder of five people to seize their property in Bocas del Toro, has been running an active Facebook account including videos, “selfies” and exchanges of love messages from his prison cell.
William Darthan Holbert, better known as Wild Bill has updated his Facebook while in custody in David, where he has been held mid 2010 charged on murder charges.
La Prensa reports that it found that Holbert maintains an account with the social network.

 “Like any other person who has Facebook, Wild Bill even put his personal information on the network, such as marital status “divorced” and the high school where he graduated in 1997. ‘I’m a cute kitty … A Servant God,’ he says in describing his personal profile.
In a recent profile update, the American placed a video directed at the former Director of the prison system, Angel Calderon, ensuring  that there was “a cell available next to him.”
“Who says you cannot get across the street from the jail? Lol $ $ $ $ $ Thank you Heavenly Father. Helpless Prisoner I am … never … no more knees before God,” says one of his recent comments where he also writes his reviews of the Brazil 2014. World Cup matches.
Updates to Holbert’s Facebook profile occur even though the country’s prisons have systems to block cell phone signals says La Prensa.Wild Bill and David prison budies
In a recent interview with the newspaper the former director claimed that “the business of mobile phones in prisons is profitable,” suggesting that it was he guards who are introduced phones.
On Thursday of last week, the new government announced that the new director of the prison system will be Gabriel Pinzón.
When asked about the Facebook profile, the Directorate General of Prisons reported having knowledge of the subject and investigations have been started to take appropriate action.
“It is public knowledge that some prisoners are seeking ways to get cell phones and other prohibited items, however, the new administration is defining additional controls to be effective, to prevent or significantly reduce these irregularities,” a spokesmen told La Prensa.