Varela pledges no one above the law

 “AS OF TODAY, no one is above the law … Corruption will not be tolerated in our government.” said” Juan Carlos Varela in his first speech as President of Panama,and he promised to return “strength and credibility to our democracy and its institutions”, to fight corruption and maintain economic growth.

, Shortly after being sworn in at the Rommel Fernandez Stadium by Adolfo Valderrama, Panameñista deputy chairman of the National Assembly,,Varela said in the presence of his future cabinet, that his will be an “honest, transparent and efficient” government.
“It will not be an easy task. The damage done to our democracy and our institutions was severe. However, I am convinced that justice, truth and accountability will bring social peace, “he said.
Supreme Court President booed
Watching from the main stage was the presiding judge of the Supreme Court, Jose Ayu Prado, who was booed by the audience reports La Prensa. He also, promised to comply with the Constitution and laws, and said that state resources will be used only “to serve the people.”
Varela announced that as president, his first act will be to sign the decree freezing the prices of 22 basic food products, one of his main campaign promises.
“To be clear, I am respectful of the free market, but am allergic to food speculation..” He also spoke of agreements with the Social Security Fund (CSS), to give medical care to the beneficiaries of the social grant program “120 at 70”, which will be expanded to cover people from 65 years old.
To the members of the 200 gangs operating in the country he offered “amnesty” until August 1 to surrender their arms, “cut their ties to organized crime and enter into normal living.”
He also spoke of carrying out the construction of lines 2 and 3 of the Panama Metro, facilitating the canal expansion project and the urban transformation of the city of Colon.
Varela called on teachers and health unions and 180,000 public servants to work together “to transform Panama.”
Earlier Valderrama, more belligerently vowed to raise the “moral character” of the Assembly, to recapture the trust and respect of the population.
“I promise consensus and support for new ideas to work in unity,” said the deputy of 38 years, unanimously elected by his colleagues in the morning, to chair the Legislative Branch for a year from today.
“I thank the Panamanian people for the lesson of dignity tey showed on May 4 he said. We bring a new era of peace, respect and independence to he National Assembly. An era in which the separation of state powers is respected. “
He spoke of implementing the Code of Ethics for Members. ” To begin a new way of doing politics. That was the mandate at the polls on May 4. I pledge to make a transparent presidency, the Assembly is an independent body that cannot be a submissive or dependent entity of the Executive,” he said.