Torrijos rejects extended security for ex-presidents and families

FORMER PRESIDENT of Panama, Martin Torrijos, has rejected the extended security benefits for ex –presidents and their families and hopes president-elect, Juan Carlos Varela, will repeal the law that he describes as a “whim” of outgoing President Ricardo Martinelli.

He made the statement on his Twitter account on Saturday June 28 : “I have not agreed to increase security assigned to ex-Presidents, and hopefully the law will be repealed he Tweeted.
On June23 the law, crafted by Martinelli, was published in the Official Gazette extending personal security for ex-presidents of the Republic, their wives and children.
Thelaw states in its first article that “authorizing, from the enactment of this Act, the escort and personal security for all citizens, elected by direct popular vote, who have served as president of the Republic be extended to their spouse or who has performed the duties of first Lady of the Republic, as well as their children.”
“The benefit referred to above shall be applied for a period of ten years for a spouse who has held the post of First Lady of the Republic and, for a term of five years, their children.”
That says La Prensa will benefit Marta Martinelli and her three children.