4 negative reactions to presidential pardon

THREE MORE of the 15 recipients of a “pardon” from outgoing President Ricardo Martinelli have joined presiding Electoral Tribunal judge in reacting indignantly to the forgiveness.

Pinilla, who returns to Panama pm Wednesday considered Martinelli’s clemency as a ” malicious affront intended to offend, and indeed ‘offended’ “.
Adelys Varela, an adviser at the Foreign Ministry told La Prensa that he was unaware of a legal process against him, and will investigate the reason for the presidential pardon.
Eustace Fabrega, former director of the Civil Aviation Authority. also reacted indignantly to the forgiveness: “I do not accept being treated like a criminal,” said the former official adding that the court case against him was the result of persecution during Martinelli’s five-year rule.
Paul Thayer, commercial manager of Tocumen, SA, was taken aback by the announcement.
Paul Thayer, commercial manager of Tocumen, SA, was taken aback by the announcement of his pardon
However, a few hours later the Official Gazette published an amendment and removed Thayer. The reasons were not explained.