DNA tests show remains in Bocas del Toro are of missing girls

DNA TESTS on the skeletal remains found in Bocas Del Toro show that they belong to one of the two Dutch tourists who went missing in Boquete on April 1 says Dutch news channel RTL News, on its online site on Sunday June 22.

The, site says that according to its sources DNA tests show that tissue would be Lisanne Froon.
While the Panamanian authorities are prepared to pay tomorrow Monday, June 23, a new report on the case of missing Dutch, the media in this country say skeletal remains found in Bocas del Toro last week could be one of young.
It says that of three DNA samples studied two match Lisanne’s parents. It notes that in the case of Kris Kremer the results are “inconclusive.”
Humberto More, director of Panama’s Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, said on Sunday that “everything points to the girls.” He said that the tests will continue the final results will be known no later than Monday morning
The first Superior Prosecutor in Chiriqui will hold a press conference on Monday at 10 am.