A speedy date for thelovelorn

By Wendy Clarke
IF YOU ARE what used to be called a wallflower in the far off days of the local hop or church picnic (in current terms a loser on the disco or bar circuit), have faith, salvation is at hand.
“Speed Dating” has arrived in Panama. That’s the fast moving search for a partner parodied in so many movies where the forlorn seek a partner from others of the same ilk in a modern day version of musical chairs fueled by a few additives.
The hunters, (everyone on the prowl comes under the same heading), sit with someone they have never met (usually of the opposite sex) and in a winner take all situation, try to make the great bonding before the bell rings and they move on to repeat the challenge. At this event participants get seven minutes to make their mark, which is somewhat longer than the usual timing. For those who’s one liners or coy asides have failed in the past, or are simply bereft of inspiration,help is at hand with unlimited vodka, rum and seco on hand for the four hour session. It also brings to mind the old saying, that “nothing makes a woman or a man look more beautiful than two stiff drinks.” There will also be tapas.
Well it’s all ready for the taking, but you have be what was once called a yuppie, a single professional between 24 and 40,(or prepared to lie). and presumably upwardly mobile.
The quick score sessions last seven minutes and its happening at the WXYZ Bar on Wednesday, June 25 at what the organizers call the “trendy” Aloft Hotel, next door to the Sheraton in Atlapa.
The cost for a ”lively” evening $40m payable in advance. If you qualify, go to www.PanamaSpeedDating.com
The event is the brainchild of Skyler Ralston, founder of YEP (Young Expats Panama).