ALERT: Act now to protect your PC against against Gameover Zeus and Cryptolocker

THE US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE announced on Monday, June 2, that it has disrupted two major online crime sprees that are thought to have netted hundreds of millions of dollars since they began in 2011.

Police in the US and Europe said they had cracked the malicious software, or malware, known as Gameover Zeus and an associated viral scam known as Cryptolocker reports The Week.

Investigators said that they are now searching for Russian national Evgeniy Bogachev, believed to be go by the online monikers "lucky12345" and "slavik". The suspected hacker is accused of being involved in the attacks on more than a million computers and is now among the FBI's most-wanted cyber criminals.
What are Gameover Zeus and Cryptolocker?
Gameover Zeus is a form of malware that uses "spear-fishing" or fake emails to infect target computers with a virus. Once infected, hackers are able to "hijack computer sessions and steal confidential and personal financial information" to funnel money overseas, according to US Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania, David Hickton.
The Cryptolocker virus works slightly differently, ABC news reports. When Gameover Zeus cannot locate any financial information on a computer, some strains of the malware will install Cryptolocker – a "ransomware" program that locks a user's machine until a fee is paid, according to the BBC.
The FBI said that it believes Gameover Zeus could be responsible for "financial losses in the hundreds of millions of dollars".
What is being done?
American and European authorities say they have now cracked both threats, with simultaneous raids on servers all around the world, the BBC reports.
"The scale of this operation is unprecedented," said Steve Rawlinson from Tagadab, a web hosting company involved in the raid. "This is the first time we've seen a co-ordinated, international approach of this magnitude, demonstrating how seriously the FBI takes this current threat".
The operation has involved police taking control of a number of servers to prevent criminals from distributing the Gameover Zeus malware. But police warned that there would only be a two-week window of security after which hijackers may move their operations elsewhere.
What should I do?
The UK-based Get Safe Online, a government-backed organisation has published a list recommendations for users to secure their computers. "This warning is not intended to cause you panic," the organisation said on its website, "but we cannot over-stress the importance of taking these steps immediately".
Security tips from Get Safe Online
– Install security software from Get Safe Online's Facebook and Google+ profiles. The free tools will scan your computer to see if you are infected with Gameover Zeus and CryptoLocker, and remove them if necessary.
– Never open attachments unless you are totally confident they are authentic.
– Keep your internet security software up to date.
– Update your Windows operating system with all new Microsoft updates
– Back up your personal files regularly, including photos, documents, music, contacts and notes.
– Never store your passwords on your computer so they cannot be accessed by malware programs