Carols by Candlelight concert beneficiaries

PANAMA'S SANTO PANAMA'S SANTO TOMAS HOSPITAL has received the second of two patient monitoring units donated by the CanadaPLUS Club from funds raised at the annual DecembeR Carols By Candlelight concert.

Multiple choirs, groups and soloists present seasonal music and are joined by the audience. The concert is free, and last year attracted over 3,000 people to an arena on the Cinta Costera.   Funds are raised from the sale of souvenir candles.

 The hospital also received 10 chairs for use by staff and patients. Hogar Malambo too has been the recipient of donations of over $2,000 and Fundacion Calicanto received $1000 after the first event.
Pictured are Dra Nuvia Batista and Dr Diogenes Arijona, Director of Internal Medicine.