A chance for all to party with Canucks

By Margot Thomas
CANADA DAY (July 1) is also, this year, inauguration Day for Panama’s New president Juan Carlos Varela, which means that foreign ambassadors , including Canadian ambassador Sylvia Cesaratto will be at the ceremony, at least for the early part of the evening.

My sources tell me that the inauguration ceremony this year  may take a turn from the usual formal cocktail circuit get together and be staged at a football stadium as a celebration of the people.

CanadaPLUS reception
Meanwhile the organizing of a Canada Day reception is back in the hands of the CanadaPLUS Club, which means, based on their track record, a fun event for all, and you don’t have to be a Canuck to raise a glass to that big country and it’s local expats.
The Club has members from 26 countries, so it will be a truly international event, and it will be sure to be a full house. This is your heads up, so, Canuck or not, if you want to attend, and have a great night out and you are not on their mailing list, drop a note to:
The Club has a full schedule of events for the rest of the year and beyond, including another Murder Mystery Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre. The third Murder Mystery was at the Miramar Intercontinental before sell out audiences, who I’m sure will bear me out in giving a five star to rating to the performance and the food. The volunteer cast, gave their time talent and energy to staging a performance to help raise seed money for the staging of the fourth Carols by Candlelight concert in December, raising funds for Hospital Santo Tomas which, this week. be presented with equipment purchased after the last concert which attracted over 3000, people.
The Club will shortly be making an announcement about new additions to its discount program including health care, legal fees, entertainment, travel and more.
I will be back to you later this week, with details of how to get tickets for the Canada Day reception. See you there.