El Salvador wants extradition of fugitive ex-president in Panama

EL SALVADOR has requested the extradition from Panama of its ex-president Francisco Flores, accused of corruption .

The Salvadoran newspaper La Prensa Grafica reported that Attorney General Luis Martinez said the extradition request was made to Panama because there have traced him , but he has not been arrested

“When you are wanted by Interpol you should be arrested , not remain free ” Martinez told media
Flores, is accused of corruption by the diversion of millions in donations from Taiwan . In Panama he is allegedly “protected” by former president Mireya Moscoso , who ruled between 1999 and 2004 (the same period in which Flores was in power ) . This has been confirmed by both the President of the Salvadoran Legislative Assembly, Siegfried Reyes and thesecretary general of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Medardo González.
Flores has been a fugitive from justice since May 6 , when Judge Marta Rosales, of the First Court of Peace of San Salvador, issued an arrest warrant against him, seized his property and raised the case to the First Court of Instruction . Three days later, Flores appeared on Interpol’s most wanted list.

The Office of El Salvador Flores accused April 30 of embezzlement and embezzlement totaling $ 15 million in aid to the Taiwan Government and disobedience for failing to appear again before an investigative committee of the Legislative Assembly on 30 January .