Varela officially proclaimed, Martinelli absent

JUAN CARLOS VARELA was officially proclaimed president-elect at a ceremony at the Anayansi Theater . Atlapa, on Wednesday evening, May 7.

The official proclamation was screened nationwide, but President Ricardo Martinelli was a no show at the ceremony which is traditionally attended by the outgoing president The official announcement was made tonight Victor Cucalón in the presence of members of the National Board of Scrutineers .

Varela received the credentials with the endorsement of the Electoral Tribunal, along with his vice president Isabel Saint Malo de Alvarado.
Varela on arrival at Atlapa said he was ready to start a national unity government and would announce the members of his Cabinet as they accepted their posts.
Varela said at the proclamation he would refrain from making statements , but reiterated all his previous statements which called for the resignations of four high level government officials including the president of the Supreme Court
