The positive side of being a psychopath

Are you a psychopath? … Kevin Dutton wants to know”

A message like that in anyone’s email inbox would normally raise warning flags.

However, when you are  what used to be called an ink stained wretch, it’s more likely to signal a disgruntled reader who thinks I am blocking his trenchant  words and insults in the comments column.(I’m not. The comments are controlled by a sometimes temperamental computer program in the U.S.)


So, instead of hitting the delete button I opened the message and lo it turned out to be notice  a conference on a much less startling theme the annual Carribean Conference of the Society Of Trust And Estate Practitioners (STEP)..


 Professor Kevin Dutton turns out to be an internationally renowned writer who after 10 years at the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, St Edmund’s College, University of Cambridge,  is now installed at the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford. He  is an expert on the science of social influence.

His first book, Flipnosis – The Art of Split Second Persuasion, published in 2010  documents his quest – from the political genius of Winston Churchill to the malign influence of some of the world’s top con artists – for the psychological ‘DNA’ of persuasion.

His second book, The Wisdom of Psychopaths Lessons in Life from Saints, Spies and Serial Killers was published in 2012 In it, he explores the positive side of being a psychopath, and discovers, first hand, in a ground breaking ‘How to make a psychopath’ experiment, what it’s like to be one. The effects have since worn off.”

 He will be the speaker at the opening night gala dinner on Sunday evening at Atlantis Resort, Nassau which will be attended by many of the world’s leading Trust practitioners from the U.S.,Canada Europe and the Caribbean region, including a strong contingent from Panama

Amonf oted speakers are Andrew Law, Wendy Warrren, Sean McWeeney, Heather Thompson, Nekeisha Smith, Lawrence Lewis and The Honorable Ryan Pinder.

Professor Dutton’s curtain raiser on Sunday will certainly give an edge to  the first full day of the conference May 12 titled “Exploring the Possibilities”It will be something like moving from the Hound of the Baskerville’s to a market review in The Economist. But with both providing food for thought

“This conference really connects both the Caribbean Region and the global community”, said  Dianne Bingham, STEP CC 2014 Chair. “We live in a seamless world and are thrilled to welcoming that world to The Bahamas in 2014.”

Some of the presentations and discussions will have special implications for Panama and its  local and expat communities.

So for a few days, Your Man in Panama will be Your Man in the Bahamas. Stay tuned