Mutiple calls used to block cell phones on election day

AFTER REPORTS of users, including President Ricardo Martinelli getting constant calls from unknown numbers, on Sunday, May 4, cell phone service providers basically confirmed that they could do little about the unusual activity.


Roberto Mendoza, executive director of Corporate Affairs for Cable & Wireless Panama, said: "We have confirmed that this anomaly has also affected customers of other mobile operators and seems to have the purpose of affecting the possibility of communication of those affected."

He said that "our mobile and fixed networks of voice and data maintain normal performance and reports of those calls come from a very specific amount of customers who are the most recognized public figures of politics or social media. Our technical teams keep and maintain a permanent monitoring to detect any abnormal situation and to ensure stability and quality of our services."
Jennifer Bolívar, spokeswoman for Movistar, said that as a telephone operator they can only control calls that are reported through the network.
She said that, because of the significance of the date, the company has reported an increase in the flow of calls, but they continue to operate in a normal manner.
Digicel officials did not respond to requests for comment about the issue reports.La Prensa.