CD officials deny public funds used for call center

TWO CABINET members who are also CD officers,have rushed to deny the use of public money to fund call centers working for their presidential candidate José Domingo Arias and to attack other candidates.


On Wednesday April 30 Minister of the Presidency Roberto Henríquez, who is also the CD vice president, said that Giancarlo Terán, a former supervisor at the call center, was lying when he said funds from the National Assembly were used to run the operation.

"I invite this young man to present evidence," said Henriquez, adding that there is a "political purpose" behind the accusations. reports La Prensa.
He called on the authorities to initiate an investigation of the individual because he may have made unathorized recordings while working at the center.
The recordings, which circulated on social networks last week, allegedly caught former Immigration Director Maria Cristina Gonzalez, who now runs the call center, discussing the use of public money to fund it.
Frank De Lima, Minister of Economy and Finance, who is also the CD treasurer, also denied the use of funds from the National Assembly and said that the call center is funded "by the party from donations."
Terán, in addition to receiving a salary for working at the call center, is employed by the Ministry of Trade as coordinator of plans and programs at a salary of $1,000 per month.
De Lima said he thinks Terán could be working for the campaign of Juan Carlos Varela, Panameñista presidential candidate who has been the target of orchestrated attacks highlighted in papers linked to President Ricardo Martinelli.
"There is a political element behind these allegations," he said.
Panameñista Deputy Luis Eduardo Quirós said the party has no connection to Terán but wants the claims investigated because, if true, they would represent an abuse of state resources