Panama mourns salsa legend crash victim

PUERTO RICAN salsa legend Cheo Feliciano who made a great contribution to Panama telethons died in a car accident early Thursday, April 17.

The governor of the U.S. territory declared three days of mourning.

The 78-year-old Feliciano was alone in his Jaguar when he hit a light post before dawn in the northern suburb of Cupey, Puerto Rico.

Police officer Jorge Hernandez Pena, who is overseeing investigation of the crash, said in a phone interview that Feliciano was not wearing his seatbelt reports  the EFE news agency.
He said it is unclear what led to the crash, adding that officials did not find any drugs or alcohol in the car.
His wife of 56 years, Socorro "Coco" Prieto Leon, told reporters that Feliciano had been at a casino Wednesday night.
"He was the only man in my life," Prieto said as she cried. "I thank everyone for the love they had for him."
Puerto Rico Gov. Alejandro Garcia Padilla declared three days of mourning, saying, "Today, Puerto Rico lost one of its greatest voices."
Panama’s award winning, singer Rubén Blades joined hundreds of thousands of fans mourning Feliciano’s death. Through his website, Blades shared this message with his followers:
"I just learned about the accident and I find it difficult to accept. To his wife, Coco, and all the Feliciano family, I send love and affection, joining the hundreds of thousands of fans of Cheo who today regret his departure.
José Cheo Feliciano's contribution to the genre of music has no expiration date. Its quality as an interpreter, his extraordinary capacity for goodness and his spirit of solidarity guarantees it. Although he has left us physically, he will always remain in our souls and memories and in the whole world.
Panama joins the mourning that gripped Puerto Rico and reaffirms our gratitude for his continued affection and human qualities, demonstrated again and again through the decades. He will be always remembered with affection and admiration that a great artista deserves.
Rest in peace, brother Cheo."