CD theft and misuse of electoral data not new

A COMPLAINT filed with the Attorney General's Office for alleged misuse of information from the Electoral Tribunal(TE) emphasizes that data that only had six state institutions including the Ministry of the Preaidency had access to the site. 

However, this is not the first warning over copying from the database by the Ministry under Roberto Henriquez.

In September 2012, the then presiding judge of the TE, Gerardo Solis, sent a letter to Henríquez in which he warned of canceling Service Identity Verification (SVI) credentials oftwo officials of the Presidency for "improper , abusive and illegal use of the database
"They stole sensitive information which was then published in the official newspaper Panama America.
THE TE then canceled the accounts of Carlos Orillac , managing director of the Presidency, and Fernando Nunez Fabrega, at that time governor of Cocle considering that those “high within the Executive Office staff” could be brewing an unwarranted public attack"
A few days later, Henriquez replied to Solis with an official note, which did not deny the allegations raised by the TE.
Instead, the minister said that “it would be incumbent subjecting this issue to the full TE, so that the Board verify and analyze the situation at issue cited as grounds for such a decision.”

The ruling Democratic Change (CD) created the database for the campaign of presidential candidate José Domingo Arias that was denounced by the TE.
On this platform, the government made available to its membership and supporters, private, labor, political, social and family information of all Panamanians

The system, called 360 and repeatedly touted by President Martinelli , only required the identification number of a citizen to reveal dates of birth , political affiliation , whether it was a beneficiary of a