Britain in Panama linking businesses across the Atlantic

BRITAIN is still one of the biggest investors in Panama, although with the departure of HSBC, likely no longer king of the castle.

But companies like London and Regional, – Panama Pacifico– and Cable and Wireless are still major players, and many other companies with local operations ensure that the UK is still high on the totem pole in the business community.

This week, March 25 and 26 the British Embassy and the British Chamber of Commerce will be showing the flag with companies from across the pond displaying their products and sharing their know how with local businesses at a “Britain in Panama” event.
A delegation from Liverpool Ports will share their logistical and shipping infrastructure knowledge with their Panama counterparts.
The main presentations will be at the Sheraton Hotel in Atlapa on Wednesday and a fashion show with an open bar will be held at Barlovento in Casco Viejo on Monday evening, starting at 7 pm..Admission to all the events including  lunche on Wednesday is $125 for Chamber members. $150, nonmembers.
For more information and tickets, you can contact the British Chamber of |Commerce at 297-6560 or the Embassy at 297-6571