Panama pushes another OAS initiative over Venezuela

PANAMA’S AMBASSADOR to the Organization of American States (OAS) seems to have further distanced the country from Venezuela and other Latin American members of the body by expressing his willingness to give his chair to the spokesmen of the Venezuelan opposition.

Arturo Vallarino, said that this action would be enable them to be heard in the political and attention given to the "serious” situation of the South American.

For this purpose, he added, it was requested that at the regular meeting next Wednesday to Deputy Maria Corina Machado and a delegation of Venezuelan students and union leaders listen.
"We will insist on the Permanent Council," Vallarino said in remarks at Oppenheimer Presenta, a CNN Spanish program.
Panama’s last effort at trying to get the OAS involved led to the breaking off of diplomatic and trade relations by Venezuela for what the country’s leader called interference in its internal affairs. Panama got no support from the other 29 Latin American members.
"Panama insist that human rights are respected in Venezuela," said Vallarino