Politicians negate move to halt re-election

 A proposal to ban the immediate re-election of Panama deputies has been widely criticized by politicians, saying it is not viable.

Panameñista Deputy Luis Eduardo Quirós said that all officials, no matter to which entity they belong, must be held accountable for their performance. He said that the ones who should determine their representatives are the voters.

"The citizens are the ones that hire, and they are also the ones who fire he said.
He added that there should be a "control system" in place to regulate their performance reports La Prensa
PRD Deputy Leandro Avila said that the proposal is "welcome," however it "adds nothing to the debate in the country" because of the current election campaign.
"The law does not change the behavior of human beings," he said. "The debate should be how to keep the bad guys from being elected."
Political analyst Mario Rognoni said that eliminating re-election would reduce corruption, since politicians would not be able to use state resources to influence voters.