100th Anniversary barbecue picnic open to all

BALBOA UNION Church in Ancon is celebrating its 100th year anniversary with a community barbeque picnic on Saturday, March 15 which is open to all.
The church has a rich history tied to the construction of the Panama Canal and the first decades of its U.S. operation of the.
Balboa Union Church was formed in 1914 out of the merger of several Protestant, Canal Commission churches and John D. Rockefeller contributed towards the construction of the building, which has remained a prominent local landmark The church is now a smaller, more international group, but keeps its focus on diversity and compassion for those in need. In recent years, it has become a focal for non-denominational events and activities, including outreach programs to aid less fortunate members of the community, providing free English classes, and carrying on a Christmas Eve tradition started during World War II, placing lighted candles on the lawn of the church.
It was a strong supporter of the introduction of the annual Carols by Candlelight event. The front lawn of the church will be the scene of the barbecue picnic from 3:30-7:00 pm.
All are welcome to visit and enjoy food and fellowship, including games and bouncy castles for children.
Directions to the church can be found at www.balboaunionchurch.org