Tourists evacuate Taboga beaches after oil spill

THE  sea at the island of Taboga near Panama was stained Friday, March 7, following an oil spill of unknown origin .

hePanama Maritime Authority ( AMP ) personnel are investigating to determine the type and quantity of oil spilled, and the perpetrators, the authority said in a statement, which emphasizes that at the time there were, vessels in the area.

"There were people bathing who left the Honda and Restinga beaches Didymus Bustamante , who caters to tourists. Told La Prensa,
He said spills are constantly reported and those responsible have not been discovered. "The authorities do nothing. They are called and do nothing, “he complained.
Victoria Tejada, metropolitan leader of the National Environmental Authority ( ANAM) , said ships transiting the Canal wash engines and oils in the area.
Members of the Civic Association of Taboga regretted the incident, which they say, happwns at least four times a year.