PRD denies CD allegations of links to Venezuela

THE CAMPAIGN of PRD presidential candidate of Juan Carlos Navarro, has denied any links with the Government of Venezuela.

Juan Carlos Navarro

The allegations come from what appears to be a co-ordinated social media campaign following a story on the front page of pro-government dailies Panama America and Critica, whose ownership is linked to the president , Ricardo Martinelli.

"We have not been involved or have or will bd ,"said aPRD spokesperson said when asked about the assertions coming the ruling Democratic Change (CD ) party through social networks.

These statements also expressed yesterday on the covers of the

Government officials,including presidential spokesman Luis Eduardo Camacho, used their Twitter accounts to spread the same message.
It's not the first time that CD try to link to the PRD with the Venezuelan says La Prensa.
During the 2009 elections in 2009 , a presidential candidate Balbina Herrera , wasaccused of recieving money from the then Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
In the same campaign rumors were spread that the PRD was receiving millions of dollars from convicted fraudster David Murcia. No proof ever appeared, but after the election a hefty payment from Murcia to the CD surfaced.