Moscoso drops election bombshell

FORMER president Mireya Moscoso Panamenista,  has finally laid her cards on the table and said that she will support   the ruling  CD party presidential candidate,  José Domingo Arias in the elections on May 4. 

Moscoso , over the last year,  has been a divisive figure within the Panameñista party, with a perceived antipathy to its leader and presidential candidate, Juan Carlos Varela.

Moscoso, in recent months, has been identified as having increasingly  cosy relations with President Ricardo Martinelli.

She timed her announcement for the Cristo de Atalaya celebrations,  attended by  Juan Carlos Varela. who is the Panamenista party president and current Panama Vice President. 

Some political commentators  believe that Moscoso's announcement could backfire and send more votes to the PRD candidate. Juan Carlos Navarro.