Empty lot owners ignore rental carrot

PARKING in Panama is hard to come by, except when thousands of vehicles head out for events like Carnival, so the mayor’ office is on the lookout for empty spaces.

So far they are out of luck. Of the 30 lots found by the Mayor for renting s parking lots only one of the owners has shown interest so the hunt goes on.

Manuel González, advisor to the Mayor of Panama, said that "most of these lots were found near the Via Argentina, which is an area where there are a great number of vehicles."

In the view of John Bennett ex, president of the transit commission of the Panamanian Association of Business Executives: "It is not the responsibility of the Mayor to get involved in citizens’ business." He added that in this case, what we should be done is to enforce compliance with traffic regulations.

“That is to say, people who park in prohibited areas should have their vehicles removed by a tow truck, and pay for the service as well as a fine reports La Prensa