Six alleged narco-cops uncovered in Panamed

A GANG of six corrupt Panama police officers with long service records and allegedly involved in drug smuggling has been dismantled. says a National Police (NP) statement issued Saturday March 1.

Five have already been fired and turned over to prosecutors. The sixth is still under investigation
The firings were:" The Product of an internal investigation , led by the Directorate of Police Intelligence and the Office of Professional Responsibility (DRP ) to dismantle a group of corrupt police officers who were involved in drug smuggling ," says a statement of the security branch
Of the six arrested agents, five have been processed by the Superior Board " for his dismissal and immediately be turned over to prosecutors " and the sixth, a lieutenant whose identity is being withheld, is investigated by the DRP “to determine his linkage to the facts reports the ACAN/EFE News Agency
“These police agents were corrupt, have stained the uniform and betrayed the oath to protect and serve the community" said the NP statement.
It added: ”On behalf of all honest cops the institution will continue its process of internal cleansing".
The officers discharged were identified as Major Jose Barsallo, with 27 years and 8 months of service; Lieutenant Silvestre Reyes (15 years), Sergeant Ellys Del Cid ( 13 sergeants Deivis Carlos Samaniego (12 years and 3 months ) and agent Victorio Espinoza , with 4 and a half years of service