Martinelli defends family involvement in ethanol production

PRESIDENT RICARDO Martinelli was quick to respond to published revelations of his family involvement in ethanol production whose introduction was mandated by law under his administration in 2011.


Speaking in Chitre, Herrera, on Friday, February 23 he urged everyone to get involved in the ethanol business.

" Everybody gets into ethanol," said Martinelli said when asked about his family business in a plant to produce ethanol in Veraguas.
"I wish to plant more cane, and hopefully many more things because it all it gives work that remains here in Panama,” he said.
"I hope there are other investors in the future that get to plant sugarcane for ethanol production," said Martinelli  last August, claiming it reduces dependence on oil , create jobs and helps preserve the environment.”
His remarks came after it was learned that Sugar Central Victoria, SA, whose board Martinelli chaired until 2007. He was replaced by his brother Mario Enrique Martinelli Berrocal, who is currently president of the company.
Until last December, his mother, Gloria Berrocal was a director, a position she held since 2009 , when she replaced her husband, Ricardo Martinelli Pardini after his death. She is currently a member of the board. The company also includes members of the Virzi family.
By law 42 2011 , it is compulsory that gasoline sold in the country since September 2013 contains ethanol.
On February 6 last, that company submitted to the National Environment Authority an environmental impact for construction of a plant in Veraguas to produce hydrous ethanol for fuel additive. La Prensa reported
The plant adds to the investment company Pesé Golf – which has hitherto exclusive production – to produce the additive which caused a controversy because it made fuel more expensive.
Martinelli participated Friday in the formal ceremony that began the demolition of the old hospital El Vigia, to make way for the construction of a new clinic