Call for First Lady to step down deemed moral issue

THERE IS a growing call from for Panama’s First Lady to step down while she campaigns as the CD ruling party’s candidate for Vice-President of Panama.

Civil society groups and opposition parties intensified their demands after Martinelli used official pictures of her as first lady, on the website of the Presidency to promote her electoral aspirations. She even used photographs of state visits, with her husband, President Ricardo Martinelli, including the Vatican, when they were received by Pope Francis reports La Prensa.

"We know that she manages resources that are not audited, is the wife of the President, and what we perceive is that the administration wants her to continue of the Broad Front for Democracy.
Juan Carlos Varela, Panameñista presidential hopeful Martinelli invited Martinelli to separate helself from the Office of First Lady for moral responsibility. "This is a moral and legal issue. The load is a moral one for the rest of your life,” "he said.
Gerardo Solis, vice presidential candidate for the PRD, and former Electoral Tribunal judge, said the use of official images of the first lady to promote her campaign violates provisions of the Electoral Code and the electoral pact, signed by the CD on February 14.

"Read the ethical electoral pact and you will see who signed a document without reading it. Such conduct is prohibited by the pact " Solis said.
Article 32 of the Electoral Code states:" The assets and resources of the State cannot be used in favor or against certain candidates or political parties except on equal terms, are intended for use legitimate election use." The same text punishes the breach, in Article 392 to “imprisonment from six months to three years and suspension of civil rights and disqualification from public office for one to three years.”

Carlos Gasnell , Transparency International chapter in Panama , said that "Public resources should not be used for private gain , and that's what we're seeing in pro-government candidates , not just the first lady , who has to resign ."
The electoral prosecutor, Eduardo Penaloza, who has a wife and two children enrolled in tht CD and working in the government has not acted on the issue. José Ardines, Head of Public Relations of the institution, said he would talk to him. Says La Prensa, but received no follow up..
CD presidential candidate José Domingo Arias, when questioned on the issue, shut down a media hearing at the Marriott hotel after meeting with members of the Panama Banking Association.