Varela promises emphasis on English language for Panama schools

EDUCATION with an emphasis on English language training, coupled with construction of vocational schools will be a major plank in the presidential campaign of Juan Carlos Varela.
With an investment of $25 million, the Panameñista presidential candidate plans to make bilingual training a part of the educational system.
The plan focuses on teaching English in public schools, and training teachers to speak that language by giving them paid leave to study. He also promises plans to send teachers to train abroad if he is elected.
The education plan also includes the allocation of $10 million of the $25 million, allocated to courses for students and the rest for teacher training.
Varela, accompanied by vice presidential candidate Isabel De Saint Malo, said he aims to reduce the gap between public and private schools.
"Recipients of private education earn twice as much as those from public schools," Varela said.
In 2011 a "report from Reuters said "Many Latin American countries struggle with poor schools — but none combine greater wealth than several European nations and almost double-digit economic growth with one of the worst education systems in the world. Except Panama.”