Judge hands out Valentine appointment for Beiber

JUSTIN BIEBER currently in Panama has a special Valentine’s Day event waiting for him when he returns to Florida from Panama, where he is currently disporting himself.

On February 14, the Canadian 19-year-old singer has a date with a judge in South Florida when charges will be formally filed charges for driving while intoxicated, resisting arrest and having an expired license.

A judge in Miami- Dade set the date for Beiber’s indictment on Tuesday, January 28.
In such hearings prosecutors file charges and defendants often make a declaration, but also their lawyers can appeal in writing. Bieber may not be required to attend. Reports the AP News Agency.
Bieber and R & B singer Khalil Amir Sharieff were arrested last week in Miami Beach for allegedly drag street a Lamborghini and a Ferrari, according to police. Neither has been charged with making illegal racing.
After his arrest Bieber admitted smoking marijuana, drinking alcohol and taking prescription drugs, authorities said.
The young singer who seems intent on making a name for himself as the latest celebrity bad boy, as opposed to his squeaky clean image when he burst into the entertainment scene at the age of 15, is on the beach in Chame, entertaining himself, friends and the local paparazzi