Protestors claim Spanish “canal piracy

A SCORE of policemen watched closely on Wednesday, January 22 as 50 demonstrators gathered outside, the Spanish Embassy to protest the “piracy” of the Spanish company Sacyr.

Sacyr heads the consortium that has threatened to stop work on the canal expansion locks. .

Armed with mirrors, Panamanian flags, banners and even a conquistador type hat, people demonstrated peacefully for an hour in Parque Porras, in front of the embassy. Mirrors were used  to trade with the indigenous inhabitants during the Spanish conquest .
"We reject blackmail and extortion Sacyr and Grupo Unidos por el Canal", the protest organizer, law professor Miguel Antonio Bernal told news agency AFP.
The consortium Grupo Unidos por el Canal, led by Sacyr, threatened on Dec. 30 to stop construction of the Panama Canal extension  if cost overruns of $1.6 billion are  not paid.
"You cannot expect anything other than piracy by these modern pirates," said Bernal, amid protestor’s cries of " Sacyr you have to go " and "Viva la national dignity " by protesters .
Banners read: “No more mirrors, get your hands off the Canal "… "We are not Indians or fools”… "We do not accept blackmail or pressure."