Panama on hold awaiting return of seized drug carrying boat

AFTER an initial exchange of angry words with the Ecuadorian government, Panama is waiting patiently for Ecuador to release a Panamanian-flagged vessel seized in international waters with a load of drugs on board.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Fernando Núñez Fábrega, told reporters that he is waiting for Attorney General Galo Chiriboga to finish with a corruption investigation before asking him to address the issue of the sailing vessel "Doria," which was seized by the Ecuadorian Navy.

Meanwhile Núñez Fábrega has refused to review the asylum granted to an Ecuadorian politician sentenced to a 10 year prison term for his role in a triple murder.
Chiriboga is involved in a corruption investigation of a former Central Bank president.
Fabrega said this is most likely the reason Panama has not received a reply to its request to transfer the vessel to its jurisdiction.
The Doria was seized on Oct. 13, 2013 with 799 kilos of cocaine on board. Five crew members are detained in Ecuador.
Under international law, the boat and the crew should be transferred to Panama for further legal action, says La Prensa.
Panama has previously accused Ecuador of refusing to reléase the boat due to its decision to offer asylum to opposition politician Galo Lara, who was sentenced in his country for his connection to a triple murder.