Millions available for Panama City Carnaval

MONEY can always be found in the government coffers when Carnaval time looms in Panama City is the message from Tourism Authority Director Salomón Shamah.
While the budget for the 2014 extravaganza has not been decided,he says only that it would be at least the same as last year, which was $2.7 million.
The annual four day event is a boost for outgoing air flights as it persuades thousands to flee the city, while those remaining find the streets virtually traffic free and many of their favorite restaurants close.
The cost of Carnaval has escalated each year since Shamah, a close confidant of President Ricardo Martinelli, took office, although during his presidency campaign, Martinelli vowed he would not give a cent to what some see as a bacchanalian noise orgy.
Shamah defends the ever increasing cost: "The figure will never be less because artists charge more, because all services annually cost more, because the Carnaval should be improved a little more."
On the issue of the recruitment of artists, Shamah said the hiring of international artists is done "at the request of the population."
On the other hand, he said that he is not willing to pay more than $50,000 for any one artist."I'd rather bring several for that price than bring one," he said.
This year the duo of Wisin y Yandel received a payment of $250,000 as a last-minute replacement for Don Omar, who failed to appear due to a contract dispute.
Shamah also said the venue for the celebration will again be the Cinta Costera, which he said has not had any major security issues in the three years it has been held there.
He said he expects 25,000 tourists for the event.