Communities not responding to dengue alert

LARVAE of the mosquito Aedes aegypti , which transmits dengue were found in at least 15 homes recently investigated by Ministry of Health officials.

Aedes aegypti , colorful,but its bite can be deadly

The information was revealed Saturday, December 17 by the the MoH after an operation in the village of Juan Diaz. In a water tank in a machine shop  larvae in the breeding stage was found and more in an abandoned car near a residence.

In both cases the owner was fined and  given an ultimatum to clean and maintain containers that serve as breeding areas.
Hatcheries were detected in a day of cleaning and elimination of breeding in Don Bosco, Villa Don Bosco and Terremar, in the village of Juan Diaz, headed by the Metropolitan Region Health Authority Urban and Household ( AAUD ) and National Police .
During the operation, 120 staff health distributed to homes, information material on how to prevent dengue and 8 garbage authority trucks collected large amounts of debris in which could play a role as dengue breeding grounds.
The director of the Metropolitan Region, Jorge Hassan, expressed concern that the MoH in these communities remains spraying and guidance to the community on the importance of eliminating breeding sites, so as not increase the incidence of dengue, but unfortunately with little community involvement.