Move to anti-CD alliance strengthens

THE CALL for an opposition electoral alliance to ensure the defeat of the CD presidential candidate continues to get more support.

So far the Panameñista leader Juan Carlos Varela has poured cold water on the idea of a PRD-Panameñista coalition, but the PRD candidate Juan Carlos Navarro has pushed for an alliance and says he will do whatever is necessary to achieve it.

Former PRD president Ernesto Perez Balladares is pushing for the link- up and forecasting electoral defeat for the PRD if it is not achieved.
On Wednesday November 27 Panameñista Deputy Alcibiades Vásquez Velásquez added his voice to that of many within the party calling for an alliance. He said that the party "is open to an electoral alliance" with the PRD if it means that it will help Panameñista candidate Juan Carlos Varela to win the presidency.
Varela’s coolness to the idea may be colored by his previous experience when he led his party to an alliance with the CD, engineered by then presidential candidate Ricardo Martinelli. The bloom soon went of the boquet of mixed flowers, with Varela complaining of unfulfilled promises and Martinelli firing him from his post as Foreign Minister.
He added that the doors of his party are open to anyone wishing to join it.and said that the alliance with the Partido Popular Party (PP) is growing stronger every day and that it is attracting members from civil societies, independents and other political parties.
One branch of the PP is already working with the PRD campaign.