Perception of widespread distrust of police

THE PERCEPTION of widespread distrust of the agents of the National Police (PN) has increased among citizens after recent events in which two children died at the hands of police and a priest was murdered in Colon province, a few meters from a police station.

The impunity that has been granted to members of the security agencies and the ineffectiveness of the courts in prosecuing them for the crimes they commit is, in the opinion of Fernando Diaz , a member of the Citizens Alliance for Justice, " extremely serious " reports La Prensa.

Diaz said that there is indeed a loss of public confidence in the security sectors, because " basically citizens now feel the anxiety of having to take care of both the crime and its security agencies."
He added that this is a reality in which the authorities are showing "no political will to reverse this situation " so that the public is forced to require substantial changes in the ways in which the authorities act.
 The former president of the Supreme Court , Edgardo Molino Mola , denied that there is a lack of trust in the National Police agents " I do not think that is happening. In every profession there are bad apples or there are people who do not act with professionalism and the police are no exception . "
But he acknowledged that "there are many cops who are committing serious errors and you have to pay attention and be more strict , because police judging police ' now that's an aberration. On this point , he sai that " those who are failing are sometimes the courts That's why you have to choose best judges and you have to change the constitution so that the president ceases to be the appointer of judges and prosecutors ."

Carlos Lee, also a member of the Citizens Alliance for Justice , said " Police training is obviously training for war" , which is far from the civic duty to “protect and serve”.
He said that there is need for a radical change in the concept that the current Government has of security. Until there consensus with civil society groups and neighborhoods communities creating a national plan to ensure public safety , there will be no change .
In the past three years, according to the Citizens Alliance more than eight pardons have ben awarded benefiting more than 120 police officers for all types of crimes, even though the Constitution of the Republic of Panama provides that pardons can only be granted for political offenses.
Molino Mola said that " Pardons for criminal offenses should zero and should be before the Court, since they are unconstitutional.”
All agreed that it is necessary to repeal Law No. 74 of October 29, 2010 , or at least the article that protects members of the PN when committing a crime .
The current situation is reversible, say the critics, provided there is certainty of punishment for anyone, whether or not police, who threatens the life of another person or commits a crime.