Galvez defends role at National Assembly

PANAMA’S National Assembly has concluded its fifth ordinary session (April 30 to Oct. 31) with mixed reviews under the leadership of CD Deputy Sergio Gálvez.


In the last days of this legislative period, the Assembly approved the creation of a company to operate the cold chain, the creation of a company to operate the Metro and an increase in benefits for indigent seniors.

There has also been a large amount of criticism about the way the Assembly has passed bills under Gálvez, specifically that they have not been properly discussed. For example, the bill to create the 10th province was approved, but must now be amended. The bill s to introduce foreign doctors into Panama was rushed through without consultation with the medical community, leading to a strike lasting over as month. It has now been modified.

Gálvez, who claims to be a “sexual buffalo”   has been a political party hopper, and is renowned for his distribution of tax funded goodies to constituents in  Chorillo, has defended his leadership, saying that the social, economic and cultural initiatives that have been adopted have “benefitted thousands of citizens who wish to improve their quality of life.”

Meanwhile, it is expected that the National Assembly will convene for an extraordinary session for the ratification of new cabinet members, as a number of current figures are expected to step down to remain eligible to run for office next year says La Prensa