President Tweets about court case

PRESIDENT Ricardo Martinelli Tweeted his way into another controversy on Monday October 21 when he referred to a case before the courts.

The case involves the complaint filed by La Prensa and Editora por la Democracia S.A., against Transcaribe Trading, S.A. (TCT) workers who blocked the entrances to La Prensa and Mi Diario on Aug. 2 and 3 last year.

The president – who is not part of the process – wrote at 8:46 a.m. that La Prensa lawyer Mejia and Associates, founded by Criminal Court Judge Jerome Mejia, had allegedly threatened the judges in the case.
The message of Martinelli was immediately commented upon by opposition Deputy Jorge Alberto Rosas, who criticized the government for trying to interfere in a legal matter.
As a judge, Mejia has never handled any complaint involving TCT or La Prensa.
The case is now in the Court of Appeals. It was brought due to the fact that the Constitution expressly prohibits any entity from blocking the distribution of a newspaper says La Prensa
The Legislative Committee on Credentials – which is ruled by the CD – is currently handling a complaint against Mejia presented by Antonio Guerrero.
Various sectors of the population have said that Guerrero's complaint was filed so that Martinelli could name a replacement of Mejía on the Criminal Court.