Herrera sentence An outrage former opponent

CONCERNS about the separation of powers continue to be raised  in Panama over the sentence handed down against opposition leader Balbina Herrera.

She was sentenced to three years imprisonment for having released e-mails between President Ricardo Martinelli and Italian businessman Valter Lavítola. The news of her sentence was leaked to a pro government weekly paper before she was notified.

La Prensa reports that Pro-democracy activist Aurelio Barria said that despite his historical differences with Herrera, he is concerned about the case because "it is a clear example of interference in the handling of a case by the executive."
Barria sais that Martinelli is a public officer, and therefore information that he handles should be made available.
"This is an outrage," he said. "The sentence was issued because she has been a critic of the government and has demanded accountability, and anyone who is critical or demands accountability is harassed, bullied or persecuted."
Former Bar Association President César Ruiloba said that "we feel that the procedure was strange and that there was a filtering of information."
He said that while he can't provide a legal opinión about the case, it should be investigated internally, especially since information about the sentence seems to have been leaked to the pro-government weekly newspaper, La Opinion.
Members of the PRD said they support Herrera unconditionally, and party Secretary General Juan Carlos Navarro said Friday : "Herrera is a courageous woman who defended the democratic principles and demanded transparency by making a public complaint about a corruption scandal that is the subject of a judgment at the highest level in Italy, so she is now an object of political persecution."