Action sought against death threat Tweeter

THE PANAMA JOURNALIST and lawyer who received a death threat via Twitter, has launched a complaint with the Public Ministry.

Lina Vega Abad , head of the Research Unit of Medcom (which encompasses RPC TV, RPC Radio and FOX ) presented her complaint Friday, October receiving a death threat on the social network Twitter account @ cesitar_8989, the user is identified as Cesar Morales.

Abad Vega appeared at the center of the Auxiliary Prosecutor complaints because the threat is not criminalized in the Penal Code. She had to complain about a crime against honor.
She told that she has requested the identification of the person and that he be made responsible for anything that may happen.
"City hospital touted as healthy tourism ! Truth that lies has short legs ", was the message that , according to the journalist led to the threats.
After what happened , the user who is identified as Cesar Morales , decided to make private all tweets from his account.

The National College of Journalists has repudiated this new attack described as an "act of cowardice " and has requested the Attorney General to investigate.