Fire destroys 10 buildings in Free Zone

 BUILDINGS were destroyed by fire in the Colon Free Zone with damage running into millions of dollars, on Wednesday night, October 2, with lack of water pressure  said to have been a problem.

On Thursday afternoon smoke and flames could still be seen in the rubble and Colón Fire Chief Nemesio Wood said that it would take three days to a week to completely put out the fire.

Meanwhile Mohamed Omais, owner of Maturin, one of the companies affected by the fire isaid :"The 250 workers of our company can be assured that they will not lose their jobs,"
Omais indicated that losses were in the millions, but that he will accept the will of God, but added, that the lack of water pressure was an important element in the situation.
Police are on the scene to prevent looters from entering the area, says La Prensa.