Nurses prepare to join striking doctors

NURSES are expected to join 25,000 striking doctors and medical professionals on on Wednesday October 2 . The strike was declared Thursday, September 26, by the National Medical Negotiating Commission (Comenenal), which is supported by other health unions.

"We will not surrender," said Francisco Castañeda, spokesman for Comenenal, which is opposed to the draft law that allows the recruitment of foreign physicians.

Castañeda said that so far the health authorities have not approached the unions or shown "the slightest interest in solving the situation."
He said what is needed is a new law that addresses the problems in the field.
But Ministry of Health advisor Alexis González said that attempts have been made to sit down with unión leaders.
Martinelli has requested the unions actually read the law, and alleged that the strike is an attempt by doctors to ignore their patients in public hospitals while working in their private practices says La Prensa He also said they are "being manipulated by some irresponsible politicians."