Confirmation that Panamanian is a FARC leader

PANAMA’S Minister of Security José Raúl Mulino and Colombian Defense Minister Juan Carlos Pinzón confirmed Monday, September 30, that a Panamanian is part of the management structure of of a powerful Colombian revolutionary group. 

The said that Panamanian Gabriel Asprilla, alias El Pana, is a leader in Front 57 of FARC

Front 57 is engaged in drug trafficking operations on the border of Panama and Colombia.
The governments of Panama and Colombia have sought to curtail the operations of this group with limited results.
Asprilla, a former member of the Panamanian defense force, is thought to have belonged to the FARC for the past eight years. He rose in rank when the leader of the group was killed in a recent bombing attack. His promotion was revealed in computer files belonging to the group and seized by the government.