Civil Defense authority issues green alert

A GREEN ALERT has been issued by the National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc) following continued heavy rain that has swollen rivers, caused home evacuations and flooded areas in Panama City.

The green alert is filed before an emergency and involves the participation of all members of the emergency operations center

Arturo Alvarado, CEO of Sinaproc said Monday, September 30, that rains will continue in the next 72 hours due to a storm in the Caribbean that is "Influencung and activating the Panamanian convergence zone" since last Saturday.
He said the authority will be monitoring the evolution of the storm, which could lose power and sunny days could be ahead.
Rains have been widespread and have been more intense in the interior country. And the Rio Zaratí was at its highest level.
Alvarado said that for two years there has been more rainfall than normal. "We are having an intense rainfall in a short time and the sewage system cannot cope. To the natural phenomena is added the people throwing garbage into rivers and streams leading to floods in different areas.