Herrera faces charges for releasing emails on bribery scandal

PROMINENT  PRD figure  and former presidential candidate Balbina Herrera has been charged with violating Panama’s secrecy acts after releasing e mails involving President Ricardo Martinelli and the Finmeccanica bribes scandal.

She was due to appear before a judge on Tuesday Sepember 24, but on Monday voiced her criticism of the Panama Justice system.

Herrera said that she does not want a presidential pardon as she did nothing wrong" reports La Prensa. “Justice has been kidnapped. Those who denounce wrongdoing here are persecuted," she said. "I want a fair trial. It is not because I am Balbina Herrera. There are thousands of Panamanians who need a justice system that is clear, transparent, expeditious and without bias."
The political figurer said that "here in Panama the justice is selective and biased."
"I'm faced with Ricardo Martinelli, Attorney General Ana Belfon and Criminal Court Judge José Ayú Prado, who was previously the attorney general."
Herrera was also critical of Judge Yorlenni Fruto, who prevented her from taking copies of the case file. She said she was told by the judge that it was illegal to do so by the judge.
Despite this, Herrera said that shewould be present at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday in the office of judge.
"They can't say that Balbina Herrera does not face her accusers," she said.
Herrera also said that there are several people detained in Italy in the case involving Finmeccanica, which was discussed in the e-mails she released. But here in Panama, Herrera said t only one person has faced charges.
Attorney General Ana Belfon filed a complaint against Herrera on Dec. 5, 2011, when she was the president's attorney, over e-mails that by Italian entrepreneur Mauro Velocci that discussed alleged bribes involving Finmeccanica.
According to Herrera, the first complaint was related to the so-called hacking of the computer of the president. Later, she was accused of threatening the internal security of the state.
"They changed the complaint due to the fact that the e-mails were obviously given to me," she said.