PRD leaders gather to discuss Martinelligate

PRD POWER brokers gathered for lunch on Friday with their presidential candidate Juan Carlos Navarro after seeming rifts in the party about his election prospects.

“To be clear. We will not have, nor do we have any possibility of alliance or arrangement with the ruling party,” said Navarro" after the lunch, referring to criticism of his meeting with President Ricardo Martinelli.

He said his party only has the door open for alliance with the various sectors of the country and the political opposition. "We opened the door to talk and reach an agreement with the democratic opposition, which includes the Panameñista Party … the country must regain its democracy." He said that his party is democratic, so its members can issue different opinions. Among the party leaders at the lunch were Balbina Herrera, Ernesto Perez Balladares, Laurentino Cortizo and Samuel Lewis Navarro. Balladares told local media that Navarro had invited him to lunch.