Panameista leader rules out alliance with PRD

IN SPITE of lagging in third place in the polls, Panameñista presidential candidate Juan Carlos Varela, he sees no possibility of an electoral alliance with the PRD to topple the ruling CD party in the 2014 elections.
"I've been clear on that," Varela said on Wednesday, September 18 when challenged by local media. He said the PRD does not share the Panameñista views on improving basic food and health, among others.
“The Party and movement I lead are focused on state issues that impact millions of Panama, said the Vice President.
He added that his party maintains an open door policy to those who share its vision of a better country.
Varela said state resources are being used for CD campaign, and even though this is not the right thing he is ready to face the ruling party with votes. “The people are wise,” he added.