Politicians should think before Tweeting – analyst

 PANAMA POLITICIANS should avoid using social networks before they have analyzed what they publish says Spanish communications and political analyst Antoni Gutierrez-Rubi.

He was talking on Circuit 0-0, a youth policy program that airs on Top 40 every Friday

He emphasized that they must evaluate the importance that must be given to the subject, and then analyze the content they publish. The immediacy of social platforms he said, is no excuse to stop studying the content of the messages that reaches their followers. 
His comments came after a week of vocal brawling between rival politicians, including President Ricardo Martinelli, on Twitter, that has been condemned by business leaders and citizen groups.

In an earlier interview with La Prensa.com he said that users of social networks should learn to listen, not just talk.
The 0-0 group also analyzed the conflict in Syria and the possibility of intervention, if the U.S. military decides to do so, for the alleged use of chemical weapons. This, before the United Nations completes its investigation and gives the nod to the initiative.