Garbage In, Garbage out

ENRIQUE HO who heads up Panama’s Garbage Authority (AAUD) and is seeking to become a deputy, has run into his own litter problem, but had someone to clean up after him.

On Thursday, September 8, the Electoral Tribunal (TE) removed 30 political advertisements that were littering areas of Panama Viejo, including ones for AAUD administrator  Ho, who is seeking the nomination for deputy in the 8-7 circuit.

The posters were on electric poles on Avenida Cincuentenario, which lies within the boundaries of Panama Viejo, a UNESCO world heritage site.
The TE, in a statement, reminded politicians that article 203 of the Electoral Code prohibits the placement of political propaganda in sites of historical and cultural interest.
Candidates could also be fined from $50 to $1,000.