Former mayor writing tell all book

Former Panama City Mayor Bosco Vallarino is writing a book about his time in office and his battles with the administration of President Ricardo Martinelli.

Meanwhile he said, Monday, September 2, that the seizure of property owned by him and former Secretary Jaime Barroso as a result of an audit by the Comptroller is an abuse of authority.

"It's absurd," said Vallarino, who added that the contracts highlighted in the report were all endorsed by the comptroller.
"There is no evidence of any wrongdoing," he said.
Vallarino sais that, during his tenure, all contracts were reviewed "with a magnifying glass" by the comptroller.
He said that the scrutiny became so great that he halted the renovation of Parque Urraca. "They made my life so miserable I could not work," he said.
Vallarino was the focus of public attention during his short term in office for missteps like days after moving into city hall endorsing a check for his wife to visit Asia, direct contracts for garbage trucks, creating plastic “villages” on Cinta Costera at Christmas with more direct contracts, garbage problems, the public firing of his staff when his plans misfired, refusing to answer questions when he met with the Chamber of Commerce and his battles with President Martinelli . Panamenista deputy Jose Blandon, stepped in as unpaid advisor and become a front man for Bosco. Blandon is now running for mayor.