Ministries silent as TB affected cows slaughtered

The owner of a Cocle dairy farm where tuberculosis has been discovered in cows, admitted Friday, July 3 that his property is not free of the disease, but Health and Agricultural authorities have made no public announcement.

Fabio Montano owner of Inversion para el Desarollo de Cocle (Indeco) which has a herd of 2,000 cattle said the authorities knew in advance of the situation.

The farm Hacienda La Montana, in Anton produces 225,000 liters a month for national distribution. Eight tuberculin positive cows have already been slaughtered at a Penonome abattoir.
An Indeco press release said: "The herd has been quarantined," the release said, and blamed La Prensa for publishing the story and causing economic and moral damage to the company.
However, said La Prensa if the Ministry of Agricultural Development (Mida) has not notified the World Animal Health Organization, although it is obligatory.
Luis Alvarez, president of the Association of Dairy Producers, said that the Ministry knew of cases since November 2012, but "it was not until May that it is known to the public, brought to light by journalists ".
A statement signed by Montano, said the farm is being monitored "to ensure the total eradication of tuberculosis" and calls on farmers and consumers association, demanding a ban on distributing this farm's milk to not be irresponsible and alarm the public
Pedro Acosta, of the Consumers Union, demanded that the Ministry of Health (MoH) test and clarify whether or not milk is contaminated with the disease.